How To Do Your Homework Now: Overcoming Procrastination

By completing your homework sooner rather than later, you save much trouble and set yourself up for many successes. Some of the benefits of completing your homework early or on time include increased GPA, better understanding, more free time, and less stress. In addition to your overall success, you will feel happier as a student when preforming at an optimum level—rather than procrastinating. Check out our hints on how you can overcome procrastination.

  • Use Agenda
  • Find an agenda or calendar you are comfortable using. Some people prefer a paper agenda to keep in your bag, whereas others like something digital on your smart phone, computer, or tablet. Whatever works for you is fine, as long as you are writing down the things you must do!

  • Use Free Time
  • Make the most of your free time. Finish your classwork early? Rather than chatting in the last ten minutes of class, use that time to start or complete homework for another class. You have plenty of downtime throughout the school day that is often frittered on socializing. Avoid this and you will have plenty of time for socialization and extra curricular activities after school hours.

  • Set Goals
  • By setting tangible goals for yourself you will be able to better your performance as a student. Set a daily, weekly, or even monthly goal for classes. Vow to get all of your homework completed before a certain time. Dedicate one day a week to deep test preparation. Set up these goals and check points to keep your work up to standard.

  • Build in Rewards
  • Another way you can keep yourself motivated and avoid procrastination is to build in rewards. You cannot force yourself to work constantly. For this reason, building rewards into your homework routine can be helpful. When completing a certain amount of tasks, perhaps set breaks or have a snack at a certain point. Dedicate these points as milestones to be rewarded at with a treat of your choice.

Keep these five steps in mind when you are feeling a bout of procrastination coming on. We know the temptation to slack off is, well, very tempting—but the payoffs of getting your work done on time or in advance are much great than those of procrastination. Change your ways and we promise it will pay off.

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